gcc 3.0.3 fixes
David Erickson
2002-08-02 23:26:19 UTC
I recently cross-compiled viewml 0.21 and flnx 0.16 for mips using gcc 3.0.3.
I had a few problems, and here are the fixes. Maybe gcc 2.9x hides these?

Fl_Group.cxx, in Fl_Group::handle(int event):

case FL_SHOW:
case FL_HIDE:
for (i = children(); i--;) {
o = *a++;
//DME: this was dying when loading a second document
// The noted "kludge" in Fl_Widget bites you here.
//if (o->visible())
if (o->visible() && o->parent() == this)

http.cpp, in HTTPConnection::Connect(QObject * p):

//DME: Added KHTMLView* to make it work
connect(p,SIGNAL(documentDone(KHTMLView*)), SLOT(slotDocDone()));

There were also a handful of minor changes in htmlobj.cpp and html.cpp needed
for changes in standard template library.
David Erickson
Senior Staff Software Engineer
Broadcom Corporation

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