[Pixil-devel] Can'f find font...
Green Wan
2006-06-20 10:11:15 UTC

Finally, I use cross-compiler 2.95.3 to build the pixil-1.2.3.tar.gz
successfully. Most of applications are running correct. Thanks very much
for helping me. However, I still have couples of questions.

1. frame buffer.

I found my frame buffer is running on 320x240. But default nano-X is
running on 240x320. Is it possible to set the FB to 240x320 by pixil's

2. video player

I don't know whether this is caused by question1.(wrong resolution?) I
clicked on video player. It played demo mpeg file. But the frame will be
overlaid by a black block.

3. lose some font?

When I run some applications, although it run well, system will throw
some messages like below.

"Trying to get font from /usr/local/pixil/pda/share/fonts/System
fnt_createfont: System,12 not found"

Is it output by nano-X or pixil?

Best regards,
