Jason Kingan
2004-10-25 22:08:36 UTC
On the evening of Wednesday the 27th at 6pm MST, Century Software will
be moving the server that hosts microwindows.org, pixil.org and several
other related websites and mailing lists. We've changed ISP's, and with
that comes the near-inevitable IP changeover. Unfortunately, it is
difficult to dual home the server as they are presently configured, so
we decided to just switch everything all at once.
Actual downtime of the machine will be minimal, but it will take 24-48
hours for all of the DNS caches to expire and name resolution to work
properly for everyone. During this time, you will be able to access the
existing web sites as follows:
linux4.tv, linuxfor.tv, linux4tv.org @
pixil.org @
microwindows.org, microwindow.org, nano-x.org @
There may also be some mail delays while deliveries fail and are
Jason Kingan
Century Software
On the evening of Wednesday the 27th at 6pm MST, Century Software will
be moving the server that hosts microwindows.org, pixil.org and several
other related websites and mailing lists. We've changed ISP's, and with
that comes the near-inevitable IP changeover. Unfortunately, it is
difficult to dual home the server as they are presently configured, so
we decided to just switch everything all at once.
Actual downtime of the machine will be minimal, but it will take 24-48
hours for all of the DNS caches to expire and name resolution to work
properly for everyone. During this time, you will be able to access the
existing web sites as follows:
linux4.tv, linuxfor.tv, linux4tv.org @
pixil.org @
microwindows.org, microwindow.org, nano-x.org @
There may also be some mail delays while deliveries fail and are
Jason Kingan
Century Software