Greg Haerr
2003-06-02 04:00:22 UTC
Microwindows version 0.90 is released, and available on the website:
There have been many additions, enhancements and bugfixes since the
November 0.89 release. Following are some of the major highlights:
o Support for the new NXLIB project, which allows X11
binaries to run unmodified on Microwindows, without requiring
the X11 server. (more on this in the next announcement)
o Support for Sharp Zaurus, Tuxscreen, TriMedia, and Cygnus X11
o Standardized calibration (nxcal) support now built into Microwindows.
A single touchscreen driver supporting popular ARM platforms
including iPAQ, Zaurus, ADS and Tuxscreen is also available.
o Many font enhancements, including support for FreeType 2,
as well as a new BDF font converter that will allow any BDF font,
including large Asian fonts, to be used. In addition, a new .fnt
native binary font format is supported. DBCS multibyte decoding is
supported for Japanese, Chinese, and Korean
encodings (BIG5, GB2312, EUCCN, EUCKR, EUCJP, JISX0213)
o Major speed improvements to the X11 screen driver as well
as text drawing.
o Per-color alpha support with a new 32bit ARGB hardware driver
is included.
o LIRC keyboard with HAVI keyboard mappings.
o Doxygen-based automated documentation generated
from source code for html and pdf docs.
o And lots more!
Many thanks to everyone, especially Jonathan Foster and Jordan
Crouse in this release for their support and patches.
Following is the detailed ChangeLog:
Version 0.90 - 30 May 2003 - ***
* remove scancode hack in ttyscan.c (loses mozilla X compatibility)
* protect 0 width/height bitmaps in GdBitmap, drawbitmap (PCF fonts)
* enhance nanowm to handle client programmatic resize requests
* send UPDATE_SIZE event before EXPOSURE event for fltk
* removed GR_EVENT_TYPE_HOTKEY, use GR_EVENT_KEYSTROKE.hotkey member
Version 0.90rc1 - 18 May 2003 - ***
* changed GR_EVENT_TYPE_HOTKEY_* to data member in GR_EVENT_KEYSTROKE
* cleaned up various function prototypes
* fixed XPM transparency drawing bug
* added ADS7846 touchscreen support (PSI OMAP Innovator) (Dave)
Version 0.89pl15 - 13 May 2003 - ***
* fixed bug in fast_grayscale option to LoadJPEG
* removed DPRINTF code generation except when DEBUG=Y
automatic GCC detection for GdError or fprintf usage
* added -DDEBUG when DEBUG=Y
* implement GrPrepareSelect/GrServiceSelect in linked server (Jonathan)
* reimplemented GrGrabKey, GrUngrabKey (Jonathan)
added grabdemo demonstration program
* cleaned up printf/DPRINTF, added DONT_HAVE_SIGNAL for no signals
* cleaned up // comments (Simon)
* added "make realclean" to remove generated .c files from .bdf & .bmp
* single touchscreen driver for Zaurus, iPAQ, tuxscreen, ADS (Jordan)
(jitter and transform moved into engine/devmouse.c)
mou_touchscreen.c: (standardized kernel; ucb1x00 chip)
IPAQMOUSE=Y (Compaq iPAQ /dev/h3600_tsraw)
ZAURUSMOUSE=Y (Sharp Zaurus /dev/sharp_ts)
TUXMOUSE=Y (TuxScreen /dev/ucb1x00-ts)
ADSMOUSE=Y (Applied Data Systems GC+ /dev/ts)
mou_vrlinux.c: (VR-Linux distribution)
EPMOUSE=Y (Embedded Planet /dev/tpanel) (was TPMOUSE)
VHHELIO=Y (Vtech Helio /dev/tpanel) (was TPHELIO)
mou_yopy.c: YOPYMOUSE=Y (Yopy)
mou_mt.c: MTMOUSE=Y (MicroTouch serial /dev/ttyS0)
mou_ps5.c: PSIONMOUSE=Y (Psion 5 /dev/touch_psion)
mou_harrier.c: HARRIERMOUSE=Y (NEC Harrier)
(original drivers moved to src/drivers/old)
* mouse drivers:
mou_gpm.c: GPMMOUSE=Y (gpm mouse)
mou_ser.c: SERMOUSE=Y (serial MS, PC, Logitech, ps/2 mice)
mou_sun.c: SUNMOUSE=Y (Sun workstations /dev/sunmouse)
mou_null.c: NOMOUSE=Y (no mouse)
* added Zaurus support, config.zaurus (Jordan)
* added tuxscreen support, config.tuxscreen (Jordan)
* added MWFONTDIR environment variable for loading FNT files
* fix swap.h::dwread macro to work on unaligned data
* added textflags to PSD GetTextSize function
* added TIFF decoder to devimage.c (HAVE_TIFF_SUPPORT=Y)
* changed LARGE_COORDINATE in devrgn2.c (more work needed here)
Version 0.89pl14 - 7 May 2003 - ***
* removed various auto-generated mwin/bmp/*.c files, fonts/*.c files
* fixed GrPeekEvent no-select() bug in LINK_APP_INTO_SERVER case
* added Doxygen-created source documentation & Makefile (Jonathan)
"make doc" to create docs in microwin/doc/nano-X/html
"make pdfdoc" for docs in microwin/doc/nano-X/latex
"make doc-clean" to clean docs and microwin/doc/internal
(requires Doxygen 1.3 or later from
(requires LaTEX for pdf docs)
* added newbuild.diff (Jonathan)
Enabled lots of warnings for GCC.
(src/Arch.rules, src/Makefile.rules):
Tidying: Moved defines, libraries and compiler flags into these two
Tidying: Simplified the layout, so libraries and headers for a
specific config option are together (before they were separated).
Tidying: Simplified how libraries are handled - now they only need to be
added to one variable, rather than five.
Bugfix: Corrected a few options that were added to CFLAGS rather than
(src/*/Makefile [but not src/demos/*]):
Tidying: Removing options that were moved into Makefile.rules
Tidying: Removing the (now empty) compiler flags section of these
Tidying: Removing these Makefiles that did nothing.
* added minormakefixes.diff: (Jonathan)
Bugfix: Display a fatal error if the specified filename is longer
than the fixed-sized filename buffer, instead of crashing.
Bugfix: Make the fixed-size filename buffer longer.
Feature: Add -o option to specify the output file name.
(Previously it always computed this from the input file name.
The old behaviour still applies if you do not specify -o)
Bugfix: Don't redirect output of convbmp, it doesn't produce
output on standard out (even before my modifications).
Use the -o option to specify the output file.
Bugfix: "make clean" would delete all files in src/ if the
bin/ directory did not exist.
* clean up demo program declarations to eliminate warnings (Jonathan)
* added LIRC keyboard support, MWKEY_HAVI keys (LIRCKBD=Y) (Jonathan)
* added Gr/GdCreateFontFromBuffer, Gr/GdCopyFont API (Jonathan)
* add comments to font code (Jonathan)
* accept Java's relaxed UTF8 variant (U+0000 as 2 chars) (Jonathan)
* fix buffer overflow in GdCreateFont w/long pathnames (Jonathan)
Version 0.89pl13 - 1 May 2003 - ***
* added GrGrabKey, GrUngrabKey (Jordan)
* added mousedev.flags member, jitter transform, rotate filters (Jordan)
* added nxcal standard Microwindows calibrator (Jordan)
new server transform routines:
GrSetTransform, GdSetTransform (server)
GrCalcTransform, GrLoadTransform, GrSaveTransform (client)
* added ucbx100 touchscreen driver (Alex, Jordan)
* updated iPAQ mouse driver (Jordan)
* added iPAQ kbd driver (IPAQKBD=Y)
Version 0.89pl12 - 13 Apr 2003 - ***
* added compressed native font format (.fnt.gz) (HAVE_FNTGZ_SUPPORT)
* move to portable locking mechanism in lock.h as default (Jon)
* allow GrMoveWindow to use quick blit in portrait mode
* move to only two builtin fonts: MWFONT_SYSTEM_VAR, MWFONT_SYSTEM_FIXED
- should change applications that request MWFONT_GUI_VAR to
- deprecated MWFONT_GUI_VAR (redirected to MWFONT_SYSTEM_VAR)
- deprecated MWFONT_OEM_FIXED (redirected to MWFONT_SYSTEM_FIXED)
* added very cool support for Cygwin X11 (Nano-X on X11 on Win32!) (Jon)
* re-inserted special hack for portait mode pixmap handling in genmem.c
* added auto UC16 conversion to handle large (non-ASCII) bdf fonts
- requires loading converted bdf file as .fnt file
- any BDF can now be used to display international chars
convert font using fonts/convbdf.c: "convbdf -f *.bdf"
- MWTF_DBCS_* flags can be used with font for DBCS encoding
- this is the new preferred method for Chinese,Japanese & Korean
* speed up PCF font output for ASCII fonts
* added default font dir handling with PCF and FNT files (set in config)
* fix GrCreateFont to return ID 0 when font not found
Version 0.89pl11 - 07 Apr 2003 - ***
* change to allow GrCreateFont w/height=0 to work with loadable fonts
- if height=0 specified with scalable fonts, must call
GrSetFontSize with height before rendering
- if height=0 specified with non-scalable fonts, height ignored
- if height specified, will always return some font
- if height=0 specified and font not found, may return 0 rather
than builtin font
* added lfClass to MWLOGFONT, allows specifying renderer
* added native loadable .fnt support (use fonts/convbdf.c -f to create)
* added enhanced fonts/convbdf, fonts/convbdf.c:
- allows fonts with > 256 chars
- allows fonts with bitmap offsets > 64k (offset now long array)
- offset and widths list not generated when not required
- start, limit options & defaultchar
* removed HAVEMSFONTS option
* slight speed increase on dashed drawing, reformatted devdraw.c
* increase text draw speed with no-clip drawbitmap internal function
* rewrote and moved all DBCS code into engine/devfont.c and font_dbcs.c
MWTF_DBCS_EUCJP, MWTF_DBCS_JIS: must use w/GrText for builtin fonts
- "count" parameter with dbcs is byte-length of dbcs string
- can use MWTF_DBCS_* flags with any (UC16-indexed) fonts now
- can use multiple DBCS encodings and fonts at same time
- can use DBCS encoding with non-compiled-in fonts, encoding is
seperate from specially-compiled-in fonts.
* fixed BIG5, GB2312, JISX0213, KSC5601 from previous GetTextBits retmap change
Version 0.89pl10 - 04 Apr 2003 - ***
* fix GrRegisterInput bug for successive file descriptors (Chen)
* cleaned up some nxproto.h signed/unsigned int16 values and Gr* params
* add MW_FEATURES_TIMERS and MW_FEATURES_IMAGES (set in device.h) (Jon)
APIs are now _not_ available at compile time when option not set
free server timers on client disconnect
* various cleanups: make clean, devrgn.c protos, locking in clientfb.c,
XtoNX.h, image buffers (Jon)
* fixed compatible bitmap size in mdemo.c stretchblit demo (Jon)
* removed Casio E-15 config option, use general options instead
* added -x<#> and -y<#> virtual screen sizing option (Jordan)
* fixed TS offset bug, solid linestyle bug (Felix)
Version 0.89pl9 - 01 Mar 2003 - ***
* renamed GdSetForeground to GdSetForegroundPixelVal (and GdSetBackground)
* added AF_INET client/server, NXDISPLAY env variable
* added text speedup patch, no per-point clipping in visible
case in GdBitmap and corefont_textdraw. Also clear
background once not per char. Changed GetTextBits
driver entry point to not copy font data. 60% improvment (Aaron)
Note this change eliminates max fixed font sizes for all
fonts except those requiring textbits copy (e.g. font_eujp.c)
* added USE_CCACHE=1 environment variable check for cached builds
* added StretchBlitEx driver entry point, GdStretchBlitEx,
GrStretchArea (experimental) (Jonathan)
StretchBlitEx is still broken in dest rectangle calc (FIXME)
* added maxascent,maxdescent,descent(=baseline) to MWFONTINFO (Jonathan)
* fixed byte-swap bug in GrNewBitmapFromData/GrNewPixmapFromData
* added mwsystem.h, GdRealloc, for alt mem mgmt (Jonathan)
Version 0.89pl8 - 25 Feb 2003 - ***
* added THREADSAFE support with LINK_APP_INTO_SERVER (Jonathan)
* changed _exit to exit() in client.c
* added various freetype 2 changes (Jonathan)
* added 4bpp nibble-flipped driver (fblin4orion.c) (David)
* fixed GsAllocEvent/GsError OOM recursive loop (Aaron)
* added big-endian support for PCF fonts (Jordan, Klaus)
* fixed usec calc bug in GrDelay (Marc)
* fixed 7-bit requirement for MS mouse (Murphy)
* fixed GrGetGCTextSize char count calc bug (Jonathan)
* fixed off-by-one alpha calc in fblin32alpha.c (Jonathan)
* fixed void * arithmetic for non-GCC compilers
* fixed broken x11 blit scroll code (Jonathan)
Version 0.89pl7 - 24 Feb 2003 - ***
* APPLIED mw_phillips_fontnetworkbug.diff (Jonathan)
Contributed by Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
* Added GrCreateLogFont nxRequest.
* Removing the hardcoded 64-character limit on font names.
This caused problems with FreeType 2, because the font names
are just filenames. The network layer no longer
restricts font name length, but there is still a
potential buffer overflow in devfont.c.
* APPLIED mw_phillips_freetype2.diff (Jonathan)
Contributed by Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
* Added FreeType 2 support, HAVE_FREETYPE_2_SUPPORT in config
* APPLIED mw_phillips_drawarea.diff (Jonathan)
Contributed by Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
* Added new DrawArea blitters. Controlled by the defines
Usually called through GdDrawAreaInternal() in devdraw.c.
* fixed nxroach GrArea alpha bug (BLACK used in GrArea crash)
* APPLIED mw_phillips_alpha.diff (Jonathan)
Contributed by Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
* Adds 8-bit alpha value to MWCOLORVAL value, new fblin32alpha.c
* Added MWPF_TRUECOLOR8888 pixel type.
* Changes to GdDrawImage() to simplify, fix a
24bpp bug, and to add the MWIMAGE_ALPHA_CHANNEL flag.
* Adding MWROP_USE_GC_MODE option to GrCopyArea
* Adding a default implementation to fb.h for the new Porter-Duff
blending rules, which assumes that both SRC and DST have
alpha=1.0. Drivers that actually support alpha should not
use these macros in Porter-Duff modes.
* MWMODE_XOR_FGBG implementation
* Adding Porter-Duff MWMODE and MWROP codes,
renumbering some existing MWROP codes to prevent collisions.
* Adding MWMODE_TO_ROP() macro.
* Adding code to choose between 8/8/8/8 and 0/8/8/8
modes on 32-bit displays, depending on whether or not the
display claims to support alpha.
* New 32-bit with alpha driver: fblin32alpha.c.
* Adding GR_ARGB() - just calls MWARGB().
* Rewriting MWRGB() to set the alpha to 255 (opaque).
* Adding MWARGB() macro
* Use new GrSetGCForegroundPixelVal() API rather than the
deprecated MWPALINDEX() macro.
Removing MWF_PALINDEX and MWPALINDEX(). They don't work
due to the alpha blending changes. Clients should be
modified to use GrSetGCForegroundPixelVal(index) instead
of GrSetGCForeground(MWPALINDEX(index)), and similarly to use
GrSetGCBackgroundPixelVal() to set the background color.
* APPLIED mw_phillips_color.diff (Jonathan)
Contributed by Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
* API changes to allow later alpha patch.
* Added GrSetGCForegroundPixelVal, GrSetGCBackgroundPixelVal
* Added new functions GdSetForegroundColor() and GdSetBackgroundColor
GdSetForeground/GdSetBackground now takes MWPIXELVAL only.
* Added fgispixelval and bgispixelval flags to GR_GC and GR_GC_INFO.
* Added a PSD parameter to GdSetForeground() and GdSetBackground(),
GdFindColor(). Allows multiple color depths to be supported
at the same time by different PSDs
* (wingdi.c) Using GdGetColorRGB() instead of a switch()
statement that duplicated it's functionality.
* Replacing GdSetForeground(GdFindColor(c))
with GdSetForegroundColor(psd,c) - note the extra PSD
parameter. Similarly for GdSetBackgroundColor().
* New function GdGetColorRGB(), the inverse of GdFindColor().
* Preventing multiple arc draws - this was causing
problems in XOR and alpha-blending drawing modes.
* APPLIED mw_phillips_x11.diff (Jonathan)
Contributed by Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
* Major speed enhancements to X11 screen driver.
* Resizing the window caused an assert() fail and
crash. Added a call to set size hints on the window, indicating
it's not resizable.
* Handle true color X modes correctly. The previous
code made the assumption that a X always lays out it's colors
in exactly the same way as MicroWindows. This is incorrect.
For example, some Microsoft Windows based X servers use BGR
rather than RGB ordering.
* If we are in true color mode, then we try hard to
get a true color X window if the server can support it. This
is a huge speed boost with a 32-bit Nano-X app, properly
antialiased fonts (so we use lots of colors) and an old 8-bit
palettised display. (In 3/3/2 RGB mode we can compute color
values easily. In 8-bit palettised mode we have to do a very
expensive lookup).
* An alternative blit implementation. Since we are
maintaining a separate off-screen copy of the display, we
perform all blits on this copy, then simply copy the offscreen
data onto the screen. The only exception are simple copies (no
raster ops) between parts of the screen - these are handled by
the server to save us having to send an image across the
* Added PIXEL332RED8 and PIXEL332RED32 macros to device.h
* APPLIED mw_phillips_1.diff (Jonathan)
Contributed by Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
* Misc build system changes.
* Added .cvsignore for CVS
* Initial support for the TriMedia media processor. Not complete.
* Correcting install target so that libraries
are writable by the user who owns the file.
* Rewriting subdirs target so that the build stops on error.
* added config option HAVETEXTMODE, removed from scr_fb.c
* Added config option GPROF=Y for profiling support.
* Added config option BIGENDIAN=Y/N, may define MW_CPU_BIG_ENDIAN to 1.
* Added various echo statements to demo and nanox link steps
* (demos/nanox/Makefile) Only compiling the snap_jpg demo if we
have framebuffer support.
* Fixing a compiler warning in scr_x11.c
* Removing compiler warning about unused variable 'tty'
if HAVETEXTMODE is disabled.
* Commented out XSynchronize() in scr_x11.c (way slow)
(08 Dec 02)
* fix GrCheckNextEvent return no event for X11/LINK_APP_TO_SERVER case
* changed pcf debug output, firstchar calculation, count calc
* corrected include files for RH 7.x
Have fun!
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There have been many additions, enhancements and bugfixes since the
November 0.89 release. Following are some of the major highlights:
o Support for the new NXLIB project, which allows X11
binaries to run unmodified on Microwindows, without requiring
the X11 server. (more on this in the next announcement)
o Support for Sharp Zaurus, Tuxscreen, TriMedia, and Cygnus X11
o Standardized calibration (nxcal) support now built into Microwindows.
A single touchscreen driver supporting popular ARM platforms
including iPAQ, Zaurus, ADS and Tuxscreen is also available.
o Many font enhancements, including support for FreeType 2,
as well as a new BDF font converter that will allow any BDF font,
including large Asian fonts, to be used. In addition, a new .fnt
native binary font format is supported. DBCS multibyte decoding is
supported for Japanese, Chinese, and Korean
encodings (BIG5, GB2312, EUCCN, EUCKR, EUCJP, JISX0213)
o Major speed improvements to the X11 screen driver as well
as text drawing.
o Per-color alpha support with a new 32bit ARGB hardware driver
is included.
o LIRC keyboard with HAVI keyboard mappings.
o Doxygen-based automated documentation generated
from source code for html and pdf docs.
o And lots more!
Many thanks to everyone, especially Jonathan Foster and Jordan
Crouse in this release for their support and patches.
Following is the detailed ChangeLog:
Version 0.90 - 30 May 2003 - ***
* remove scancode hack in ttyscan.c (loses mozilla X compatibility)
* protect 0 width/height bitmaps in GdBitmap, drawbitmap (PCF fonts)
* enhance nanowm to handle client programmatic resize requests
* send UPDATE_SIZE event before EXPOSURE event for fltk
* removed GR_EVENT_TYPE_HOTKEY, use GR_EVENT_KEYSTROKE.hotkey member
Version 0.90rc1 - 18 May 2003 - ***
* changed GR_EVENT_TYPE_HOTKEY_* to data member in GR_EVENT_KEYSTROKE
* cleaned up various function prototypes
* fixed XPM transparency drawing bug
* added ADS7846 touchscreen support (PSI OMAP Innovator) (Dave)
Version 0.89pl15 - 13 May 2003 - ***
* fixed bug in fast_grayscale option to LoadJPEG
* removed DPRINTF code generation except when DEBUG=Y
automatic GCC detection for GdError or fprintf usage
* added -DDEBUG when DEBUG=Y
* implement GrPrepareSelect/GrServiceSelect in linked server (Jonathan)
* reimplemented GrGrabKey, GrUngrabKey (Jonathan)
added grabdemo demonstration program
* cleaned up printf/DPRINTF, added DONT_HAVE_SIGNAL for no signals
* cleaned up // comments (Simon)
* added "make realclean" to remove generated .c files from .bdf & .bmp
* single touchscreen driver for Zaurus, iPAQ, tuxscreen, ADS (Jordan)
(jitter and transform moved into engine/devmouse.c)
mou_touchscreen.c: (standardized kernel; ucb1x00 chip)
IPAQMOUSE=Y (Compaq iPAQ /dev/h3600_tsraw)
ZAURUSMOUSE=Y (Sharp Zaurus /dev/sharp_ts)
TUXMOUSE=Y (TuxScreen /dev/ucb1x00-ts)
ADSMOUSE=Y (Applied Data Systems GC+ /dev/ts)
mou_vrlinux.c: (VR-Linux distribution)
EPMOUSE=Y (Embedded Planet /dev/tpanel) (was TPMOUSE)
VHHELIO=Y (Vtech Helio /dev/tpanel) (was TPHELIO)
mou_yopy.c: YOPYMOUSE=Y (Yopy)
mou_mt.c: MTMOUSE=Y (MicroTouch serial /dev/ttyS0)
mou_ps5.c: PSIONMOUSE=Y (Psion 5 /dev/touch_psion)
mou_harrier.c: HARRIERMOUSE=Y (NEC Harrier)
(original drivers moved to src/drivers/old)
* mouse drivers:
mou_gpm.c: GPMMOUSE=Y (gpm mouse)
mou_ser.c: SERMOUSE=Y (serial MS, PC, Logitech, ps/2 mice)
mou_sun.c: SUNMOUSE=Y (Sun workstations /dev/sunmouse)
mou_null.c: NOMOUSE=Y (no mouse)
* added Zaurus support, config.zaurus (Jordan)
* added tuxscreen support, config.tuxscreen (Jordan)
* added MWFONTDIR environment variable for loading FNT files
* fix swap.h::dwread macro to work on unaligned data
* added textflags to PSD GetTextSize function
* added TIFF decoder to devimage.c (HAVE_TIFF_SUPPORT=Y)
* changed LARGE_COORDINATE in devrgn2.c (more work needed here)
Version 0.89pl14 - 7 May 2003 - ***
* removed various auto-generated mwin/bmp/*.c files, fonts/*.c files
* fixed GrPeekEvent no-select() bug in LINK_APP_INTO_SERVER case
* added Doxygen-created source documentation & Makefile (Jonathan)
"make doc" to create docs in microwin/doc/nano-X/html
"make pdfdoc" for docs in microwin/doc/nano-X/latex
"make doc-clean" to clean docs and microwin/doc/internal
(requires Doxygen 1.3 or later from
(requires LaTEX for pdf docs)
* added newbuild.diff (Jonathan)
Enabled lots of warnings for GCC.
(src/Arch.rules, src/Makefile.rules):
Tidying: Moved defines, libraries and compiler flags into these two
Tidying: Simplified the layout, so libraries and headers for a
specific config option are together (before they were separated).
Tidying: Simplified how libraries are handled - now they only need to be
added to one variable, rather than five.
Bugfix: Corrected a few options that were added to CFLAGS rather than
(src/*/Makefile [but not src/demos/*]):
Tidying: Removing options that were moved into Makefile.rules
Tidying: Removing the (now empty) compiler flags section of these
Tidying: Removing these Makefiles that did nothing.
* added minormakefixes.diff: (Jonathan)
Bugfix: Display a fatal error if the specified filename is longer
than the fixed-sized filename buffer, instead of crashing.
Bugfix: Make the fixed-size filename buffer longer.
Feature: Add -o option to specify the output file name.
(Previously it always computed this from the input file name.
The old behaviour still applies if you do not specify -o)
Bugfix: Don't redirect output of convbmp, it doesn't produce
output on standard out (even before my modifications).
Use the -o option to specify the output file.
Bugfix: "make clean" would delete all files in src/ if the
bin/ directory did not exist.
* clean up demo program declarations to eliminate warnings (Jonathan)
* added LIRC keyboard support, MWKEY_HAVI keys (LIRCKBD=Y) (Jonathan)
* added Gr/GdCreateFontFromBuffer, Gr/GdCopyFont API (Jonathan)
* add comments to font code (Jonathan)
* accept Java's relaxed UTF8 variant (U+0000 as 2 chars) (Jonathan)
* fix buffer overflow in GdCreateFont w/long pathnames (Jonathan)
Version 0.89pl13 - 1 May 2003 - ***
* added GrGrabKey, GrUngrabKey (Jordan)
* added mousedev.flags member, jitter transform, rotate filters (Jordan)
* added nxcal standard Microwindows calibrator (Jordan)
new server transform routines:
GrSetTransform, GdSetTransform (server)
GrCalcTransform, GrLoadTransform, GrSaveTransform (client)
* added ucbx100 touchscreen driver (Alex, Jordan)
* updated iPAQ mouse driver (Jordan)
* added iPAQ kbd driver (IPAQKBD=Y)
Version 0.89pl12 - 13 Apr 2003 - ***
* added compressed native font format (.fnt.gz) (HAVE_FNTGZ_SUPPORT)
* move to portable locking mechanism in lock.h as default (Jon)
* allow GrMoveWindow to use quick blit in portrait mode
* move to only two builtin fonts: MWFONT_SYSTEM_VAR, MWFONT_SYSTEM_FIXED
- should change applications that request MWFONT_GUI_VAR to
- deprecated MWFONT_GUI_VAR (redirected to MWFONT_SYSTEM_VAR)
- deprecated MWFONT_OEM_FIXED (redirected to MWFONT_SYSTEM_FIXED)
* added very cool support for Cygwin X11 (Nano-X on X11 on Win32!) (Jon)
* re-inserted special hack for portait mode pixmap handling in genmem.c
* added auto UC16 conversion to handle large (non-ASCII) bdf fonts
- requires loading converted bdf file as .fnt file
- any BDF can now be used to display international chars
convert font using fonts/convbdf.c: "convbdf -f *.bdf"
- MWTF_DBCS_* flags can be used with font for DBCS encoding
- this is the new preferred method for Chinese,Japanese & Korean
* speed up PCF font output for ASCII fonts
* added default font dir handling with PCF and FNT files (set in config)
* fix GrCreateFont to return ID 0 when font not found
Version 0.89pl11 - 07 Apr 2003 - ***
* change to allow GrCreateFont w/height=0 to work with loadable fonts
- if height=0 specified with scalable fonts, must call
GrSetFontSize with height before rendering
- if height=0 specified with non-scalable fonts, height ignored
- if height specified, will always return some font
- if height=0 specified and font not found, may return 0 rather
than builtin font
* added lfClass to MWLOGFONT, allows specifying renderer
* added native loadable .fnt support (use fonts/convbdf.c -f to create)
* added enhanced fonts/convbdf, fonts/convbdf.c:
- allows fonts with > 256 chars
- allows fonts with bitmap offsets > 64k (offset now long array)
- offset and widths list not generated when not required
- start, limit options & defaultchar
* removed HAVEMSFONTS option
* slight speed increase on dashed drawing, reformatted devdraw.c
* increase text draw speed with no-clip drawbitmap internal function
* rewrote and moved all DBCS code into engine/devfont.c and font_dbcs.c
MWTF_DBCS_EUCJP, MWTF_DBCS_JIS: must use w/GrText for builtin fonts
- "count" parameter with dbcs is byte-length of dbcs string
- can use MWTF_DBCS_* flags with any (UC16-indexed) fonts now
- can use multiple DBCS encodings and fonts at same time
- can use DBCS encoding with non-compiled-in fonts, encoding is
seperate from specially-compiled-in fonts.
* fixed BIG5, GB2312, JISX0213, KSC5601 from previous GetTextBits retmap change
Version 0.89pl10 - 04 Apr 2003 - ***
* fix GrRegisterInput bug for successive file descriptors (Chen)
* cleaned up some nxproto.h signed/unsigned int16 values and Gr* params
* add MW_FEATURES_TIMERS and MW_FEATURES_IMAGES (set in device.h) (Jon)
APIs are now _not_ available at compile time when option not set
free server timers on client disconnect
* various cleanups: make clean, devrgn.c protos, locking in clientfb.c,
XtoNX.h, image buffers (Jon)
* fixed compatible bitmap size in mdemo.c stretchblit demo (Jon)
* removed Casio E-15 config option, use general options instead
* added -x<#> and -y<#> virtual screen sizing option (Jordan)
* fixed TS offset bug, solid linestyle bug (Felix)
Version 0.89pl9 - 01 Mar 2003 - ***
* renamed GdSetForeground to GdSetForegroundPixelVal (and GdSetBackground)
* added AF_INET client/server, NXDISPLAY env variable
* added text speedup patch, no per-point clipping in visible
case in GdBitmap and corefont_textdraw. Also clear
background once not per char. Changed GetTextBits
driver entry point to not copy font data. 60% improvment (Aaron)
Note this change eliminates max fixed font sizes for all
fonts except those requiring textbits copy (e.g. font_eujp.c)
* added USE_CCACHE=1 environment variable check for cached builds
* added StretchBlitEx driver entry point, GdStretchBlitEx,
GrStretchArea (experimental) (Jonathan)
StretchBlitEx is still broken in dest rectangle calc (FIXME)
* added maxascent,maxdescent,descent(=baseline) to MWFONTINFO (Jonathan)
* fixed byte-swap bug in GrNewBitmapFromData/GrNewPixmapFromData
* added mwsystem.h, GdRealloc, for alt mem mgmt (Jonathan)
Version 0.89pl8 - 25 Feb 2003 - ***
* added THREADSAFE support with LINK_APP_INTO_SERVER (Jonathan)
* changed _exit to exit() in client.c
* added various freetype 2 changes (Jonathan)
* added 4bpp nibble-flipped driver (fblin4orion.c) (David)
* fixed GsAllocEvent/GsError OOM recursive loop (Aaron)
* added big-endian support for PCF fonts (Jordan, Klaus)
* fixed usec calc bug in GrDelay (Marc)
* fixed 7-bit requirement for MS mouse (Murphy)
* fixed GrGetGCTextSize char count calc bug (Jonathan)
* fixed off-by-one alpha calc in fblin32alpha.c (Jonathan)
* fixed void * arithmetic for non-GCC compilers
* fixed broken x11 blit scroll code (Jonathan)
Version 0.89pl7 - 24 Feb 2003 - ***
* APPLIED mw_phillips_fontnetworkbug.diff (Jonathan)
Contributed by Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
* Added GrCreateLogFont nxRequest.
* Removing the hardcoded 64-character limit on font names.
This caused problems with FreeType 2, because the font names
are just filenames. The network layer no longer
restricts font name length, but there is still a
potential buffer overflow in devfont.c.
* APPLIED mw_phillips_freetype2.diff (Jonathan)
Contributed by Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
* Added FreeType 2 support, HAVE_FREETYPE_2_SUPPORT in config
* APPLIED mw_phillips_drawarea.diff (Jonathan)
Contributed by Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
* Added new DrawArea blitters. Controlled by the defines
Usually called through GdDrawAreaInternal() in devdraw.c.
* fixed nxroach GrArea alpha bug (BLACK used in GrArea crash)
* APPLIED mw_phillips_alpha.diff (Jonathan)
Contributed by Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
* Adds 8-bit alpha value to MWCOLORVAL value, new fblin32alpha.c
* Added MWPF_TRUECOLOR8888 pixel type.
* Changes to GdDrawImage() to simplify, fix a
24bpp bug, and to add the MWIMAGE_ALPHA_CHANNEL flag.
* Adding MWROP_USE_GC_MODE option to GrCopyArea
* Adding a default implementation to fb.h for the new Porter-Duff
blending rules, which assumes that both SRC and DST have
alpha=1.0. Drivers that actually support alpha should not
use these macros in Porter-Duff modes.
* MWMODE_XOR_FGBG implementation
* Adding Porter-Duff MWMODE and MWROP codes,
renumbering some existing MWROP codes to prevent collisions.
* Adding MWMODE_TO_ROP() macro.
* Adding code to choose between 8/8/8/8 and 0/8/8/8
modes on 32-bit displays, depending on whether or not the
display claims to support alpha.
* New 32-bit with alpha driver: fblin32alpha.c.
* Adding GR_ARGB() - just calls MWARGB().
* Rewriting MWRGB() to set the alpha to 255 (opaque).
* Adding MWARGB() macro
* Use new GrSetGCForegroundPixelVal() API rather than the
deprecated MWPALINDEX() macro.
Removing MWF_PALINDEX and MWPALINDEX(). They don't work
due to the alpha blending changes. Clients should be
modified to use GrSetGCForegroundPixelVal(index) instead
of GrSetGCForeground(MWPALINDEX(index)), and similarly to use
GrSetGCBackgroundPixelVal() to set the background color.
* APPLIED mw_phillips_color.diff (Jonathan)
Contributed by Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
* API changes to allow later alpha patch.
* Added GrSetGCForegroundPixelVal, GrSetGCBackgroundPixelVal
* Added new functions GdSetForegroundColor() and GdSetBackgroundColor
GdSetForeground/GdSetBackground now takes MWPIXELVAL only.
* Added fgispixelval and bgispixelval flags to GR_GC and GR_GC_INFO.
* Added a PSD parameter to GdSetForeground() and GdSetBackground(),
GdFindColor(). Allows multiple color depths to be supported
at the same time by different PSDs
* (wingdi.c) Using GdGetColorRGB() instead of a switch()
statement that duplicated it's functionality.
* Replacing GdSetForeground(GdFindColor(c))
with GdSetForegroundColor(psd,c) - note the extra PSD
parameter. Similarly for GdSetBackgroundColor().
* New function GdGetColorRGB(), the inverse of GdFindColor().
* Preventing multiple arc draws - this was causing
problems in XOR and alpha-blending drawing modes.
* APPLIED mw_phillips_x11.diff (Jonathan)
Contributed by Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
* Major speed enhancements to X11 screen driver.
* Resizing the window caused an assert() fail and
crash. Added a call to set size hints on the window, indicating
it's not resizable.
* Handle true color X modes correctly. The previous
code made the assumption that a X always lays out it's colors
in exactly the same way as MicroWindows. This is incorrect.
For example, some Microsoft Windows based X servers use BGR
rather than RGB ordering.
* If we are in true color mode, then we try hard to
get a true color X window if the server can support it. This
is a huge speed boost with a 32-bit Nano-X app, properly
antialiased fonts (so we use lots of colors) and an old 8-bit
palettised display. (In 3/3/2 RGB mode we can compute color
values easily. In 8-bit palettised mode we have to do a very
expensive lookup).
* An alternative blit implementation. Since we are
maintaining a separate off-screen copy of the display, we
perform all blits on this copy, then simply copy the offscreen
data onto the screen. The only exception are simple copies (no
raster ops) between parts of the screen - these are handled by
the server to save us having to send an image across the
* Added PIXEL332RED8 and PIXEL332RED32 macros to device.h
* APPLIED mw_phillips_1.diff (Jonathan)
Contributed by Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
* Misc build system changes.
* Added .cvsignore for CVS
* Initial support for the TriMedia media processor. Not complete.
* Correcting install target so that libraries
are writable by the user who owns the file.
* Rewriting subdirs target so that the build stops on error.
* added config option HAVETEXTMODE, removed from scr_fb.c
* Added config option GPROF=Y for profiling support.
* Added config option BIGENDIAN=Y/N, may define MW_CPU_BIG_ENDIAN to 1.
* Added various echo statements to demo and nanox link steps
* (demos/nanox/Makefile) Only compiling the snap_jpg demo if we
have framebuffer support.
* Fixing a compiler warning in scr_x11.c
* Removing compiler warning about unused variable 'tty'
if HAVETEXTMODE is disabled.
* Commented out XSynchronize() in scr_x11.c (way slow)
(08 Dec 02)
* fix GrCheckNextEvent return no event for X11/LINK_APP_TO_SERVER case
* changed pcf debug output, firstchar calculation, count calc
* corrected include files for RH 7.x
Have fun!
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