[Pixil-devel] viewml list changed to pixil-devel
Greg Haerr
2003-09-12 23:16:30 UTC
We've recently been making some changes to the
availability of open source code from Century Software.
The previous viewml.com site, where the embedded browser
ViewML and FLNX widget toolkit source code have been
available, has been moved to a new site, www.pixil.org,
where we're announcing the availability of a complete
Microwindows/Nano-X based operating environment
for flat-panel displays, called PIXIL. ViewML and
FLNX are now integrated into PIXIL, and also available

In the same fashion, the viewml-***@viewml.com list
has been renamed pixil-***@pixil.org. You are subscribed
to this developer list, and this message is being broadcast to it.
Should you not wish to remain subscribed, please visit
www.pixil.org, and use the new password sent to you in
a previous email to unsubscribe.

Thanks, and have fun!


