about javascript in viewml
2002-09-18 07:51:28 UTC
----- Original Message -----
From: wjj_internal
To: viewml
Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2002 3:48 PM
Subject: about javascript in viewml

Hi, Jason Kingan.
Thank you for your help, I will download source code of KDE1.1 . I have write some emails to kde developers, maybe they can tell me how to add javascript support to kde1.1, for they have developed kde2.0 which have javascript support.

"Unfortunately, I don't quite know what I'd put in it's place. Does anyone have any input on this?"
I am not clear about this sentence. My English skill is not expert. Do you need some javascript examples? Maybe you can get some from spidermonkey project(the javascript engine for mozilla and netscape). By study Konqueror--embbed, I find out that another module which may be important to javascript is added --DOM(Document Object Module). Maybe I should find some lower version of konqueror, DOM standard will sure corrupt my boss's deadline of several weeks. :-(

I want something called "Dynamic HTML". I am not sure if "document" is javascript's built-in object. but I am sure "document" object is a must for "Dynamic HTML".

part of document about kde1.1 is at

BTW:Where is KDE1.1's source code. I can not find it on http://www.kde.org . it seems that they have abandoned this old version.