2005-12-22 18:47:21 UTC
I got this far:
gcc -o PixilDT AddressBookCategoryDB.o AddressBook.o AddressBookDB.o
AddressBookDetails.o AddressBookDlg.o AddressBookList.o CategoryDB.o
CategoryEditor.o CategoryEditorList.o CustomFieldDB.o
CustomFieldEditor.o DatePicker.o DatePickerDlg.o FindDlg.o FindList.o
FLTKUtil.o ImageBox.o Images.o InfoDB.o InfoGroup.o IniDlg.o
InputBox.o InputNotify.o LeftGroup.o ListByDlg.o Note.o NoteDB.o
NoteDetails.o NoteEditor.o NoteEditorDlg.o NoteList.o
NotesCategoryDB.o Notes.o NxDbAccess.o NxDbColumn.o NxDbRow.o
Options.o OptionsDlg.o PixilDTApp.o PixilDT.o PixilMainWnd.o Printer.o
ScheduleContainer.o ScheduleDay.o ScheduleEvent.o ScheduleHours.o
SchedulerCategoryDB.o SchedulerChangeTypeDlg.o Scheduler.o
SchedulerDaily.o SchedulerDB.o SchedulerDlg.o SchedulerMonthly.o
SchedulerRepeatData.o SchedulerRepeatDlg.o SchedulerTimeDlg.o
SchedulerWeekly.o SchedulerYearly.o SpinInput.o SplashDlg.o Sync.o
TableBase.o TimeFunc.o ToDoListCategoryDB.o ToDoList.o ToDoListDB.o
ToDoListDetails.o ToDoListList.o ToDoListShowDlg.o ToolbarButton.o
Toolbar.o -L/usr/X11R6/lib/
-L/var/gertec/guilherme/toolkit-arm/pixil/pixilDT/flek -lflek
-L/var/gertec/guilherme/toolkit-arm/fltk-1.1.3/lib -lfltk
../NxDb/libNxDb.a ../sync/libpixil-sync-native.a -lX11 -lstdc++ -lm
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible
/var/gertec/guilherme/toolkit-arm/fltk-1.1.3/lib/libfltk.a when
searching for -lfltk
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lfltk
yes... fltk is installed... blah blah...
but I am now officially giving up... if I had this much trouble,
imagine a user with less linux experience... in any case, we were
gonna have to make (or buy) a windows version of pixilDT so....
Im gonna make a java version of the pixil DT... initially just ADDRESS
and SCHEDULER db editors... and synch...
does any1 have any documentation on how the db files are written? I
will be studying the .cxx files but any help/docs would be much
and yes... GPL...
thank you
I got this far:
gcc -o PixilDT AddressBookCategoryDB.o AddressBook.o AddressBookDB.o
AddressBookDetails.o AddressBookDlg.o AddressBookList.o CategoryDB.o
CategoryEditor.o CategoryEditorList.o CustomFieldDB.o
CustomFieldEditor.o DatePicker.o DatePickerDlg.o FindDlg.o FindList.o
FLTKUtil.o ImageBox.o Images.o InfoDB.o InfoGroup.o IniDlg.o
InputBox.o InputNotify.o LeftGroup.o ListByDlg.o Note.o NoteDB.o
NoteDetails.o NoteEditor.o NoteEditorDlg.o NoteList.o
NotesCategoryDB.o Notes.o NxDbAccess.o NxDbColumn.o NxDbRow.o
Options.o OptionsDlg.o PixilDTApp.o PixilDT.o PixilMainWnd.o Printer.o
ScheduleContainer.o ScheduleDay.o ScheduleEvent.o ScheduleHours.o
SchedulerCategoryDB.o SchedulerChangeTypeDlg.o Scheduler.o
SchedulerDaily.o SchedulerDB.o SchedulerDlg.o SchedulerMonthly.o
SchedulerRepeatData.o SchedulerRepeatDlg.o SchedulerTimeDlg.o
SchedulerWeekly.o SchedulerYearly.o SpinInput.o SplashDlg.o Sync.o
TableBase.o TimeFunc.o ToDoListCategoryDB.o ToDoList.o ToDoListDB.o
ToDoListDetails.o ToDoListList.o ToDoListShowDlg.o ToolbarButton.o
Toolbar.o -L/usr/X11R6/lib/
-L/var/gertec/guilherme/toolkit-arm/pixil/pixilDT/flek -lflek
-L/var/gertec/guilherme/toolkit-arm/fltk-1.1.3/lib -lfltk
../NxDb/libNxDb.a ../sync/libpixil-sync-native.a -lX11 -lstdc++ -lm
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible
/var/gertec/guilherme/toolkit-arm/fltk-1.1.3/lib/libfltk.a when
searching for -lfltk
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lfltk
yes... fltk is installed... blah blah...
but I am now officially giving up... if I had this much trouble,
imagine a user with less linux experience... in any case, we were
gonna have to make (or buy) a windows version of pixilDT so....
Im gonna make a java version of the pixil DT... initially just ADDRESS
and SCHEDULER db editors... and synch...
does any1 have any documentation on how the db files are written? I
will be studying the .cxx files but any help/docs would be much
and yes... GPL...
thank you