from the desk of Engr Martins Milageni.........
2003-04-26 01:29:26 UTC



Dear Sir/Madam

I am an Engineer with the South African Ministry of Energy and Mineral

Resources and I am also a member of the Republic of South Africa Contract

Award and Monitoring Commitee in the Ministry of Energy and Mineral

Resources. It is a pleasure involving you in this project. Although, this

may sound strange but I seek your indulgence and pray you view it seriously.

Two years ago, a contract was awarded to a foreign firm in the Ministry of

Energy and Mineral Resources by my committee. This contract was over

invoiced to the tune of US$14.3Million. This was done delibrately. The over

invoicing was a deal by my commitee to benefit from the project. We now

desire to transfer this money which is in a suspense account with the MEMR

into any oversea account which we expect you to provide for us.

For providing the account where we shall remit the money, you will be

entitled to 30% of the money, 10% will be set aside for expenses incurred

by both parties during course of transfer, while the remaining 60%will be

for my partners and myself.

I would require the following:

1)Bank details ( Name and address / Account no/Beneficiary name )

2)Private Telephone and Fax number of Beneficiary

The above information would be used to make formal application as a matter

of procedure for the release of the money and onward transfer to your

account. It does not matter whether or not your company does contract

projects of this of this nature described here, the assumption is that your

company won the major contract and subcontracted it out to other companies.

More often than not, big trading companies or firms of unrelated fields

win major contracts and subcontract to more specialized firms for execution

of such contracts. We have strong and reliable connections, top government

contacts at the South Africa Reserve Bank and Ministry of Finance and we

have no doubt that all this money will be released and transferred if we get

the necessary foreign partner to assist us in this deal. Therefore, when the

business is successfully concluded we shall through our connection withdraw

all documents used from all the concerned Government Ministries for 100%

security. We are civil servants and we will not want to miss this


Please contact me immediately through my above Telephone or email contact,

whether or not you are interested in this deal. If you are not, it will

enable me scout for another foreign partner to carry out this deal. But

where you are interested, send the required informations aforementioned

herein without delay as time is of essence in this business.

I want to assure you once again that this transaction is 100% risk free

both now and in the future. After carefull ocsideration please send your response to


I await in anticipation of your fullest co-operation.

Yours faithfully,

