error in cross-compiling libwww
Mildred Frisco
2003-02-06 10:50:31 UTC
Yes I have set the environment variable for compilers to that of arm linux,
e.g. CC=arm-linux-gcc CXX=arm-linux-g++ then make -e, as what Jason Kingan
said. But I had this error ....

checking size of char.... configure error:can not run test program while

What could be wrong ?


From: "???" <***@hanmir.com>
Subject: Re: Re: viewml binary, help in ldconfig and shared
Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2003 11:46:00 +0900 (KST)
To: viewml-***@viewml.com

You can compile w3c lib as changin the variable CC in all Makefile
of subdirctory.
Change gcc to arm-linux-gcc or your cross compile command.
After that run install. Then all library file copied in /usr/lib of
your host.
And compile vieml. Copy all library on /usr/lib of your target system.
run viewml on your target.
Good Luck.
Young-Sup Kim
2003-02-07 02:01:52 UTC
<body style=font-size:10pt>
I don't know what's worng.<br>
But I tried to configure did not use CC and C++ option.<br>
First I tried to configure for my host PC.<br>
After that I editted all makefile of subdirectories.<br>
Change gcc to arm-linux-gcc.<br>
Try it. <br>
It is not best solution, but I compiled successfully<br>
using that method.<br>
Good luck!!!<br>
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Jason Kingan
2003-02-09 07:17:42 UTC
Your command below is correct - but first you should run ./configure. It
appears that this hasn't been done yet (as the default Makefile will run
./configure automatically if it hasn't been run at least once.)

Run ./configure and then try the command. It should work then.

Jason Kingan
Century Software
Post by Mildred Frisco
Yes I have set the environment variable for compilers to that of arm linux,
e.g. CC=arm-linux-gcc CXX=arm-linux-g++ then make -e, as what Jason Kingan
said. But I had this error ....
checking size of char.... configure error:can not run test program while
What could be wrong ?
Subject: Re: Re: viewml binary, help in ldconfig and shared
Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2003 11:46:00 +0900 (KST)
You can compile w3c lib as changin the variable CC in all Makefile
of subdirctory.
Change gcc to arm-linux-gcc or your cross compile command.
After that run install. Then all library file copied in /usr/lib of
your host.
And compile vieml. Copy all library on /usr/lib of your target
system. run viewml on your target.
Good Luck.
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