: Re: Some basal question
2002-11-18 01:12:27 UTC
Jason Kingan, Hi !~~~```

Thanks for your help!
In the http://mail.viewml.com/Lists/viewml-devel/Message/1183.html
you told me "You don't have to install Microwindows, just point the ViewML configure script
to the righ location with --with-microwin=/your/path/to/microwindows/src"
So, in my view: I want to use viewml on X11-KDE of RedHat3.
I need only do these:
1) install www3c-libwww
2) install fltk-1.0.11 and Imlib
3) download and un-tar microwindows
4) install viewml
in the forth step, how can i do?
I do the command: ./configure --with-fltk=/my/location/of/fltk(top folder of fltk) .
But where can I point "with --with-microwin=/your/path/to/microwindows/src" ?

   Waiting for your help eagerly!



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Jason Kingan
2002-11-21 17:48:07 UTC
There are two basic ways to build ViewML. One uses X windows-based libraries
(FLTK) to run a native X application that does not require Microwindows to
compile and run. The other relies on an FLTK variant called FLNX that
requires Microwindows to properly run.

In the case of the native X version (using FLTK and ImLib), you don't need the
--with-microwin portion of the configure command line. If you are compiling
for Microwindows, the --with-microwin option you gave below should be

Jason Kingan
Century Software
Post by luqiang
Jason Kingan, Hi !~~~```
Thanks for your help!
In the http://mail.viewml.com/Lists/viewml-devel/Message/1183.html
you told me "You don't have to install Microwindows, just point the ViewML
configure script to the righ location with
--with-microwin=/your/path/to/microwindows/src" So, in my view: I want to
use viewml on X11-KDE of RedHat3.
1) install www3c-libwww
2) install fltk-1.0.11 and Imlib
3) download and un-tar microwindows
4) install viewml
in the forth step, how can i do?
I do the command: ./configure --with-fltk=/my/location/of/fltk(top folder
of fltk) . But where can I point "with
--with-microwin=/your/path/to/microwindows/src" ?
   Waiting for your help eagerly!
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