[Pixil-devel] some problems in vieml x-compile
Leo Daniel
2004-05-21 02:37:28 UTC
i'm a newbie in this maillist .
i wanna cross compile viewml for ARM .
i had tried some times , and always been ask to find libpar. i can't find
this lib and has no idea whether it should be a ARM one. and anyone can
give me an example for viewml x-compile?
3x for any suggestion and advice.
regard !

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Greg Haerr
2004-05-22 03:06:27 UTC
Post by Leo Daniel
i had tried some times , and always been ask to find libpar. i can't find
It sounds like you're using the viewml package
that was put together for the www.pixil.org distribution.
I suggest you visit that site, and pull down
the entire distribution, it's got the par library.

Otherwise, you should use an older viewml tarball.


